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viajes agadir grande

Agadir Sahara Desert Tours, 3 days Excursion

1st Day: Agadir - Zagora

The first day start from Agadir city, We will cross Taroudant the city is known for its local crafts, including jewellery and carpets, Unlike Marrakech, almost the entire city of Taroudant is located inside its walls. And then continue to taliouine(saffron city) and Tazenakht(carpet city),then we will going to join Draa Valley by Agdiz Village, To discover the beauty and fabulous valley with its palm trees and magically panoramic views, Night in Zagora City.

2nd Day: Zagora - Erg Chigaga

The next day we start from Zagora visiting, Tamegroute is a village in the valley of the Draa River. It has a history as an important center of learning and religion through its famous Sufi zawiya, historical center of the Nasiriyya Sufi order, one of the most influential - and at one time of the largest - Sufi orders in the Islamic world. And then we continued by draa valley with its panoramic view and villages to Erg Chigaga, An excursion by camels to spent the sunrise in the highest of sand dune, Get back to our home nomad tents and spent the night under a thousands stars with drumming music.

3rd Day: Erg Chigaga - Agadir

From here, We woke for breakfast and we will leave to Agadir, By the lake Iriki, Foum Zguid Village and we continue to visit beautiful landscapes and Berber villages along the Foum El Oued to reach Tazenakht.

In Tazenakht we eat at noon and go straight to Agadir, Journey's End.

06 Erg Chegaga
1 Taroudant-sunny-morocco-trips
2 Argan Trees
3 Safrane Taliouine, Maroc
5 Tamgroute, Maroc
7 Foum Zguid